понедељак, 4. август 2014.

Otac srpske ratne sirocadi


Otac srpske ratne sirocadi


Did you help the flood victims in Serbia and Republik of Srpska in June 2014?  If you did, do you know where all the goods and money went and what it was used for?  You are entitled for a full accounting of where everything went, who received the help, and their names and contact.  Humanitarian organizations, churches, or individuals are obligated to provide you with full information.  You should insist on this information.  If they don't provide you with this information, that would mean that your donation may have been misused.  Save Serbian Children is providing a list of donors and where the donations went, for a 40 foot container of medical supplies in June 2014.


Holy Cross American Orthodox Church, Sacramento  CA     $1000

Seeds to the World, Stockton  CA                                            $500

Prof. Dr. Nick Stergiou  Nebraska                                             $500

Gloria Schulman  Nebraska                                                      $400

Oleg Tomashevsky  Berkeley  CA                                            $300

Dusan Supica  Berkeley  CA                                                    $200

V. Rev. Sasa & Marija Petrovic  Nebraska                               $200

Save Serbian Children  Stockton  CA  from account              $2030

                                                                                    Total:   $5130

40 foot container of new medical supplies with expiration dates of three to four years in the future was sent from Oakland, CA to Banja Luka, Republik of Srpska through Aqua Air Enterprises, Los Angeles July 31, 2014. 

We would also like to thank Mel Potter and John Brandt from Lodi, California for helping us with preparing the container, also Father Dane Popovic and 6 members of Holy Blessed Virgin Church who helped log the supplies.  This was the 100th container sent by Save Serbian Children to Serbia, Republik of Srpska and 16 other countries.


Note: Save Serbian Children at the present time has secured doctors and hospital for orthopedic surgery, pro bono, for two children, one from Gaza and one from E.Ukraine.  We want to help as many children as possible, and we need YOUR help!!!



Milos Supica




Milos Supica

3076 Maples Branch Road

Sevierville  TN  37876-6341


Home phone:  865-453-7063

Cell phone:     209-598-3298

website:   1:  directeffect.info

                2:  Srpski Dobrotvor


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